A tooth extraction can be stressful. But, recovery does not have to be! There are a few actions you can follow (and certain tips you should avoid) to help make your recovery speedier as well as more enjoyable.
Follow these dental-approved guidelines and you’ll be smiling in the blink of an eye.
What should you expect after surgery?
Knowing what to expect will help ease many of the anxieties associated with post-surgery treatment. Typically, within a few days following surgery, you could feel some discomfort and swell around your cheeks and eyes. This swelling may get worse at least 72 hours following surgery.
To reduce any discomfort or swelling you may apply an ice compress on the area of your jaw and allow it to remain for twenty minutes, then take it off after 20 mins. It is possible to repeat this procedure several times throughout at least the initial 48-hour period. (Tip You can make use of an unzipped plastic bag filled with crushed ice in case you don’t have an ice pack.) after 48 hours, treatment with the use of ice will no longer be effective and you should consider using the heat pack to reduce swelling or pain.
When you undergo wisdom tooth removal is completed, you may expect to experience some bleeding during the first couple of hours. From two to three hours after your procedure, replace the gauze on the surgical site every 30-60 minutes. This will assist in controlling bleeding by firmly biting on the area. Keep this procedure going until the bleeding ceases. (If bleeding persists or increases, consult your dentist for instructions on treatment.)
What can you do to aid the healing process?
It typically takes between two and four months for your socket (surgical site) to heal. To speed up the healing process you should know the following actions you can take:
Maintain the mouth clean It’s fine to gently brush your teeth at night following your surgery and do not wait until the next day to wash your mouth. Then, you can make use of one teaspoon (8oz) of water that is warm diluted with one teaspoon of salt to gently clean the mouth 5-6 times throughout the day and particularly after meals.
Use medications Utilize any painkillers recommended by your physician to ease discomfort and ensure you are comfortable. If your dentist prescribed antibiotics, be sure you take the prescribed dosage according to the instructions.
Make use of tea bags It’s not for brewing an energizing “cuppa.” The tea is a source of tannic acid that helps to shrink blood vessels and decrease bleeding. Apply a moist tea bag over the area of surgery and then bite it down tight for between 20 and 30 minutes.
Take a lot of rest It is important to stay away from exercise during the initial 24 hours following the wisdom teeth removal. Lift your head up with soft pillows to rest and don’t sleep to the side of the extraction.
Return to your regular hygiene routine After the initial 24 hours, you’re able to go back to your usual dental flossing or brushing regimen. Make sure you avoid the area of surgery. You can continue wearing the orthodontic retainer that you have. If it causes discomfort, you are able to rest for up to a week before beginning your treatment for orthodontics again.
Take note of your diet Start by eating consume soft and cold food items like smoothies, ice cream, and yogurt as well as pudding. It is possible to gradually transition to semi-solids, such as warm soups, and finally into solids after a couple of days. These are tasty and healthy recipes that will make your leisure time more enjoyable!
What to avoid after removal of wisdom teeth
If you’re now able to relax well and recover nicely using our suggestions in the article above, there are a few things you’ll need to take care of to not impede your recovery process.
Don’t use straws It is essential not to loosen the blood clot which has formed in the socket, or it could cause an illness called a dry socket. Don’t rinse your mouth with too much force and don’t suck on straws or drink carbonated drinks within the initial 24 hours.
Do not drink or smoke – Don’t drink alcohol or smoke within the first 48 hours following surgery, but preferably not during the initial week.
Don’t use your nostrils to blow This could be an issue in the event that you’re suffering from nasal congestion or drainage. In the beginning, for 14 days, gently clean your nose, without actually blowing it.
Do not consume hard-to-eat food items foods like cereals and nuts as well as popcorn are very difficult to eat following an extraction, and can cause wounds to delicate tissues. You should wait at least a week before adding them to your food list.
Follow these simple rules of thumb and tips for wisdom teeth removal, you’ll be on the road to healing within two days following your procedure.